I've lost my wedding band. It gnawing at me. I think its somewhere in my house but have yet to find it. About a month ago I looked down at my engagement ring to see that the diamond was missing. It was missing for about 1 1/2 hours and then, thanks to God, I found it on the living room carpet. My wedding band has been missing for 24 hours now.
I've been searching around the house for it all day. At one point I thought I found it inside our sofa. I called my husband to rejoice with me. Then I cut open the bottom of the sofa. It turns out it was a Mexican coin - 5 pesos. (don't ask where it came from or how it got there because I have no idea) I was bitterly disappointed.
I find when things like this happen that I am superstitious. Maybe that's not the right word, but I wonder if God is trying to tell me something. Like maybe I am being careless with my marriage and taking it for granted. I don't know. I'm probably reading too much into it. But I am praying that God will bring my wedding band back to me.
don't over analyze my friend. it will turn up. can't wait to hear where you find it. bet that will be a funny story!
yuck, that is a bad feeling, I have lost mine a couple of times. Funny, I once thought I found it inside the couch, and broke in to the base of it as well-- can't remember what I found in there, but it wasn't the ring.
Anyway, I am sure it will turn up. And I agree with carissa, don't overanalyse it or you'll do your head in. Hope you find it soon.
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