2. Be sure to use the bathroom right before running.
3. Run on the shady side of the road even if this means zig-zagging a bit.
4. Don't just run the 1/2 mile loop around the neighborhood over and over since its too tempting to quit early in front of the house when tired.
5. Enjoy the wildlife, ie: flowers, rabbits, birds. (Watching a muskrat run away is very comical with it's little tail sticking up as it's back end bounces up and down.)
6. Skip songs that may be demotivating, like "Its the End of the World as We Know It" or "Another One Bites the Dust". Stick with motivating songs such as, "All Things are Possible".
7. When finished with the run take the shortest route home, even if this means cutting through your neighbors' backyards.
8. Stretch and drink plenty of water when finished running.

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