Thursday, May 8, 2008

living life vertically challenged

so i've been reading others blogs more and more these days and really enjoy many of them. these other bloggers often get me thinking about things i haven't thought about or seeing issues from another perspective and sometimes just giving me a good laugh. i hestitate to have my own blog for a number of reasons. but here i go jumping into the pond.

i chose to name my blog living life vertically challenged because that is what God seems to be trying to teach me recently. i view my life and the world horizontally - just looking around at the circumstances and this earthly world. but God is nudging me to live life looking at Him, heavenward, with eternity in mind. and i often find myself not able to fully get my arms around this idea. for example - having a good marriage relationship isn't for the comfort of myself and my spouse but so we ourselves and others in this world can see a clear picture of what the relationship between Christ, the bridegroom, and the Church, the bride looks like. and i have to confess that my earthly heart is mostly concerned with my own comfort and not with what God's plans are.

coincidentally - i am physically, in fact, vertically challenged (read: short)! i am just barely 5 feet tall (60 inches, 152.4 centimeters). and this fact is, sadly, another issue i struggle with - wishing i were just a few inches taller! but alas, God has made me as He has for a purpose and there is nothing i can do to change this (except to wear heels)!

oh yes and i am really quite computer inept - so be patient as i try to figure out how to post photos and update my profile, etc...

1 comment:

Ben McLaughlin said...

Glad to see you've got a blog going, lu -- looks good. I look forward to reading.

Yeah, I am a shorty too. At least when you're a woman you can wear heels. What can a bloke do? Platforms?