Stephen King is not my cup of tea! I know you're wondering why I even have to make a mental note of this. If you know me, then you know I am not into horror movies, like Cujo, Carrie, The Shinning. But did you know that Stephen King wrote the Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and Stand By Me. Those are the kinds of Stephen King movies I may want to avoid. I really like the Shawshank Redemption but seeing The Green Mile was quite disturbing for me.
A couple of weeks ago James rented Stand By Me for us to watch. I wasn't really in the Stand By Me mood but I sat with my hubby and watched with him. He kept saying things like, "I don't remember this part." I would say, "You don't remember the leeches!?!" and "You don't remember the pie eating contest!?!" It is not a calm, happy-ending movie and I didn't remember that there were serveral emotionally wrenching scenes. I think each boy was weeping/wailing at some point in the movie. Although Vern's face when he was running on the train bridge was quite amusing!
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