Thursday, May 21, 2009

recent pics of the fam

Here are my boys. They just keep growing. Sam is taller than me now. (that's not saying much!)
James took Jay to see the Lion King again. Jay loves/hates the hyenas. Jay loves to get dressed up in his suit! Don't they look handsome?

Luke is losing his teeth. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast!

Jay has his first baseball game of the season tonight. He is psyched!

Maybe you notice there are no pics of me. That's because I am the designated family photographer. No one else thinks to pick up the camera and take a picture of me. I'll work on that. Actually I have a lot of pictures of Jay and Luke but few of James and Sam. At 14, Sam is not all that keen on having his picture taken.

I used to scrapbook. Its not that I've made a conscious decision not to anymore - I just haven't put any photos in a scrapbook in about 3-4 years now. I also switched to digital this past year and I don't print them either. This is a project I want to work on this summer. I may not take the time to scrapbook but I do want to have the photos printed and in a book for us to enjoy.

I hope you enjoy these!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I can't believe how much they've grown up in the few months that I haven't been around!