Monday, September 29, 2008

You know you're a child of the 70's if...

First off I want to apologize to my devoted readers (I am talking to all 8 of you) for not updating my blog in almost 2 months. I plead busyness - school began, fall activities began and its a busy time with the special needs ministry....and worst of all I now have a facebook page which is just one more time sucker in my life! But I'm back.

This will not be a post where I list all the ways you know you were a child of the 70's. Instead I will just tell you of the two moments that this was made clear to me yesterday by my children.

First, my 13 y/o son was trying to call a family friend, who is an older lady who does not have call waiting or voicemail (or a cell phone - eek!). So Sam dials and listens and he is making a funny face, says he doesn't know what this is and hands me the phone. "It's a busy signal", I say. He still has the same confused, blank expression. This is when I realize that not only does he not recognize the annoying intermittent tone but he has never even heard the term "busy signal". I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh or cry.

Then, as I was driving with my 8 y/o he began talking to me about seeing men on TV who were twirling and throwing sticks with the ends lit on fire. He asks me if I've ever seen this and I say yes I have on TV. (of course I am thinking about luau at the end of the Brady Bunch episode when they are in Hawaii) Then on the ride home he is talking about this man who was talking to a statue and when he watched the fire show he said, "I wish Oliver could see this". At this point, sadly, a light bulb goes on in my head and I ask Luke if he watched the Brady Bunch at his friends house that afternoon. I actually remember that the "bad guy" would talk to this idol he named Oliver!!! What does that say about my upbringing? It says I watched A LOT of Brady Bunch reruns after school each day.

So there is my trip down memory lane yesterday. What do you remember about the days gone by when you were a child?

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