I 'got' to see the re-release

of Toy Story and Toy Story 2 in a 3-D double feature this week....
twice. It was only going to be in theaters for two weeks. I promised the boys we would go. But on Sunday, our planned day to see this big ticket movie, one of my boys was sick - with mono. So I only took the two older boys promising the sickie that I would take him one day during the week while he was home from school anyway. So on Tuesday, I picked him up from school early (mono isn't as debilitating in a 9 y/o) and went and sat thru three hours of two movies-I-have-probably-seen-at-least-a-dozen-times-each.....
again! I'm telling you, that is sacrificial love for you. The kind of sacrifice only a mother's love is willing to give.
I was looking forward to seeing the movies....once. They are definitely in my top favorite kid's movies - Pixar does it right! But
twice in one week is just a little much. Although I did enjoy hearing each boy laugh during the movie - that makes it all worth it!